Online Marketing Channels Simple Comparison For marketing in Pakistan

by usmanMay 31, 2017

An entire investment could go to waste if an Enterprise fails to reach out and expose its product to the targeted consumer, that's what makes marketing so significant as it could decide the fate of a company.

Stakeholders, investors, and businessmen in Pakistan have rather been traditional in terms of advertising campaigns, and by traditional, we mean reaching out their consumers through typical mediums such as newspaper, Radio, broadcast television, outdoor billboards etc. But in recent times the immense growth and popularity in the field of information technology have urged business owners whether they be the giants of the game or small scale entrepreneurs to use the relatively new advertising methods known as Online Marketing aka digital marketing aka internet marketing.

Online Marketing Channels

The major and the most common online marketing channels are as follows;

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is a marketing strategy that concentrates on improving a site  visibility in organic(unpaid). It is basically a study of how search engines crawl a web page so that we could optimize our websites accordingly and make it easier for the search engine to find it relevant to the searched and maximum traffic could be oriented to the sites. There are two types of SEO techniques;

Both of these techniques must collaborate together to gain higher rankings in SERP.

SEO popularity is reaching new heights in Pakistan as both old and fresh business owners want their businesses on the map with famous search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

AALogics provides an all round SEO solution with a complete action plan for your online business further details visit our page.

Social Media Marketing

According to Similarweb following is the ranking of social media sites in Pakistan (based on visits, Average Visit Duration, and Bounce rate).

This ranking clearly shows that social media alone is responsible for generating a great deal of traffic of audience with nearly all possible sorts of interest. This traffic is being used for marketing.

Facebook plays the most important role in all of above social media sites, with sophisticated marketing techniques like Facebook AdvertsandFacebook Pages they make marketing a lot easier. The reason why Facebook is so efficient is that it keeps check of its user interest and activity, which then helps them determine the possible and the most relevant products for that particular consumer thus increasing the probability of generating traffic with not only interest but also with more chances of that consumer finally purchasing the product. Another great feature that Facebook provides is Boost Post this service gives the seller an opportunity to reach more people.

The anomalous growth of social media in Pakistan have helped many local businesses to mark their existence and expand their audience through this platform with great profitable returns. Which have lead many to explore this option and gain benefits from it.

Affiliate Marketing

This is a marketing strategy where people can earn commission through promoting and selling other company's product. Several websites in Pakistan offer affiliate marketing. It is an effective way of marketing because then a company can reach more people and narrow down their radius of marketing to people who they might not be able to reach, while they don't even have to work for it as the affiliate will have to work his/her way to reach more people.

personally or by any means. The competitive nature of this method also helps the company as the affiliate will work hard to gain more sales and make more profit which is ultimately beneficial for the company. Companies can also set sales target and attractive bonuses on achieving them.

These are some the top affiliate marketing websites operating in Pakistan:

This method attracts part-time workers like students with flexible working hours creating employment opportunities. is currently providing affiliate services to

Email Marketing

Marketing by sending commercial emails generally advertisements about services or any products to current customers or a group of potential clients is called Email Marketing.

This is one of the earliest online marketing techniques, emails are vastly used for official documentation purposes this technique proved to be effective reaching the masses as typically many Internet users check or send emails.

Email Marketing is very Cost effective as compared to other methods like traditional mail marketing and even online marketing.

Companies can use the services of ESP(Email service provider) to gather information on interest and activities of a recipient. Companies can also reach out their previous customers who have already subscribed to their email services and can give them information on their new products.


All the types of marketing mentioned above have their pros and cons which make them unique from one another.

On comparison we can derive that SEO can arguably be the best and long lasting online marketing campaign there can be, it drive the most relevant and the most potential client due to the fact that the client is in need and in search of his/her requirement but still it come with some of the cons like it's relatively expensive, time-consuming, results can vary, it constantly demands updated and original content which at times can be difficult to manage. On the other hand campaigns on the social media are more interactive, appealing and optimized according to the interest of the consumer which attracts them towards it. It also reaches larger audience making it more approachable. Similarly, affiliate marketing had its own advantages like the affiliates could personally reach out to people in his/her radius which could bring in sales quicker and can get you a promising client but then it also takes some of the profit which you could have saved per transaction and it's also time-consuming.

Email marketing is cheap and was effective it still might be but internet users now use emails for official purposes and are annoyed by these marketing junk emails and subscription, these emails are now also considered as spam which decreases the probability of these emails to actually even reach the consumer which makes the campaign next to useless.

So, what is the solution? which campaign is the best? which one of these campaigns should we go with?

Every year millions of dollars are spent on these advertising campaigns, making it the most profitable industry in the world just to make their product more publicized and even a household name.

This leads to a conclusion that you can either use all of these tools to get your desired results or study deeply the nature of your business and product so that you can understand what marketing campaign would suit you best and put it to use in the most effective way possible.


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